1. nice piece — liked the info on the lily of the valley — miss that lovely flower and is fragrance but alas they don't grow in FL!! GG

  2. Wow – this is all news to me! I had no idea that either were the causes of celebration/demonstration in France. I only knew of may poles and dancing and carousing… Good for France! It would be interesting to learn what other social causes are being touted this year. Aside from lilacs, lily-of-the-valley is the other flower we miss a lot from Maine. ~David

  3. GG,
    This post prompted more conversation than comments online and, clearly, one theme was how much people love lily-of-the-valley. I received several lovely photos of this pretty lily as it is currently growing in the gardens of TMT readers!

  4. David,

    I will pass on your compliments to Alex! Alex was commisioned to produce the bouquet image by someone who missed the deadline for Christmas cards and wanted to send out May Day cards to her friends and family!


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