1. Thank you for the newest edition of The Modern Trobadors. I look forward to reading it this evening, in printed format of course. I too love the old post cards, especially the ones from the Victorian era. They were lovely works of art one could hold in their hands and press to their heart if so inclined. Another time, when there actually was such a thing.
    Your faithful follower

  2. Reading your blogpost on postcards with the lovely collection of old cards took me on a nostalgic mind-trip, recalling one of my numerous trips to Malta before moving here. I usually stayed with my godparents in St Julians, and one night after dinner, my godfather, in an attempt to entertain me, brought out an old shoebox which was packed solid with old postcards! As my godparents were the parents of four boys, and my godfather was a career diplomat, there were dozens upon dozens of postcards between the boys and their parents, and even some from me to my godparents when I was working as social directress upon cruise ships! I spent the remainder of that evening with my godparents reading and admiring those old postcards…and later returned to America and culled my correspondence files, pulling all the postcards I could find in order to set up my own box of memories…which now, in today's world of iPads and emails hasn't gotten much attention lately! As another old favorite (song, this time)…Thanks For The Memories! xo : ) Cloe

  3. as a regular traveller to Provence, your postcards remind me that so much of Provence has changed so little. thanks for evoking so many pleasant memories.

  4. Susan – I have never (until today) thought about the birth of postcards as a medium for messaging. (Apologies to Marshall McLuhan for that…) I, too, love postcards and used to be fanatical about writing and sending them while traveling. Sigh. I, too, have fallen victim to the email updates from travel… Maybe when I got to Venezia in October I will have a change of heart? I just pity anyone who receives anything in my handwriting!

    This made me remember the days when I painted watercolor postcards to send from vacations… how is it that my time was managed so differently?

    While your post is about postcards, it really does bring back the conversation about how little we communicate our thoughts in writing anymore, even in email. We OMG, LOL, GTG (or G2G), LMAO and CUL8R… but we have forgotten to stop and share what we really think about our experiences. I am taking this as a warning to myself to regroup and re-write my future history.

    Hugs, David

    PS – I really enjoyed the addition of the slideshow – watched the first one in its entirety and am heading back to look at the other two!

  5. Dear Susan,

    Thanks for your wonderful rendition of our visit to The Postcards. How much I enjoyed reading your impressions, remembrances of the evening. I absolutely adore the way you've displayed this post, the postcard slide shows, the postcard themselves, the messages they convey – everything about it!

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  6. Susan – Glad to see you included a postcard of the transporter bridge at Marseille. It reminded me of my lifelong liking for transporter bridges. Here are links to a few more transporter bridge postcards:
    Nantes: http://bit.ly/VX7ijU
    Newport: http://bit.ly/VgwLdl
    Middlesbrough: http://bit.ly/ZdjEe5 (featured in the movie "Billy Elliot")
    Rochefort: http://bit.ly/VUhK0I (featured in that forgotten movie "Les Demoiselles de Rochefort")

  7. Susan,

    Fascinating, the 'Era of the Postcard'! I still send them to friends from
    France, 25-30 per visit. Fun to do!

    Hope to get downto MFA before 14 April.

    Merci bien!


  8. Hi Audrey,
    It was indeed such an interesting evening! I am glad you enjoyed the post about it–much fun to do!

  9. Dear Readers,
    Audrey, who went with me to the lecture about the postcard exhibition and wrote the comment above, is a photographer. I recommend a visit to her site, http://www.audrey-gottlieb.com, to see some of her work when she was a UN photography and, later, as a freelance photographer. She is currently working on a book about the latest wave of immigrants to make Queens (in New York City) their home.

  10. Hello faithful follower,

    I know you love interesting and lovely postcards because, if you are who I think you are, I have been the beneficiary of your love of postcards for many years!

    Thanks for your comment and for being a faithful follower!

  11. Oh,Cloe, what fun that must have been. your comment made me think about how a box of postcards differs from a box of photos. I love old photos, too, but postcards offer the image as well as one's thoughts (or at least a salutation) in the sender's handwriting. Such a personal connection.

    Thanks for your evocative note!

  12. You are right, Henry. Stores may come and go but the layout of the small villages remains basically the same and often the restaurants remain the same for years and years. When I saw the postcards of Lourmarin, I could see the same village streets winding and intersecting, but more filled in and spruced up!

    Thanks for your observation!

  13. Hi David,
    I had never thought about the history of postcards either which is why, in part at least, I found the curator's talk so interesting. I was fascinated by critics at the time who predicted the demise of formal communication…maybe email and texting won't be the downfall of the written word!

    Still, it feels good to slow down, spend some time picking out just the right postcards and writing a few lines (in complete sentences!) to a friend at home.

    The slide shows took a little technical wizardry (on the part of Towny) but they allowed us to show more images. They were difficult to narrow down. Glad you liked them!

    Thank you for your thoughtful note!

  14. Hi Brian,
    Thanks so very much–those are beautiful bridges. I suppose I must confess my ignorance here–I am not entirely sure what defines a transporter bridge…maybe you could enlighten me (and others)!

    I can't believe you found postcards of so many!

    So good to hear from you!

  15. Hi Henry,
    Merci for your note! I definitely encourage you to get down to the MFA to see the exhibition! As a French teacher, I know you would enjoy seeing so many images of France–much history there!

  16. Susan,

    Your choice of material for your blog is always designed to be of interest to many. Your selection of postcards shows how they change with the times.

    At one time, I was saving all my postcards, beginning in childhood. Somehow the collection grew and grew until it was time to thin it out. How I wish I had had the room to save them all.

    I guess I'll have to enjoy the fine collection you have posted and be thankful to those who do have room to save things!

    So, here's a tip for future generations: Don't always listen to your mother when she says, "Clean out your drawers and throw out that junk!"


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