1. What an absolutely beautiful story… thank you for this Susan!

  2. Speaking of screenplays, this would make an interesting one. Haven't seen anything on French news regarding the closing but a couple of articles dated from mid-November. You'd think there'd be more of a media hoopla. You gave me a flash from the past. I'd completely forgotten having read The Piano Shop on the Left Bank! Must rummage through book cartons and see if I can find it. Thanks for this post and, once again, impressive sleuthing, Nancy.

  3. Hello, thanks for your article, I am a piano teacher and continued my piano studies in France. I am very sad of the closure of Pleyel. I created a facebook page for support against this closure, and a petition is running on facebook. If you want to join us in supporting Pleyel, it will be a great pleasure! Feel free to share these internet pages! Thank you again!

  4. Susan – this is a wonderful article and I am glad it ends with a note of hope – that the government is trying to help. This would be a real loss for the musical community. I am glad to see others are as impassioned as you! I plan to join the Facebook group, as well. ~ David

  5. Susan, – Your love affair with that beautiful piano was so touching. It was so beautifully written that I'm certain a few tears will be shed while reading it.
    It would be so gratifying to flash forward a hundred years and find that beauty stilll in the family, all polished up and without a scratch.!
    Thanks for a lovely story that will bring back memories for your many readers.

  6. Kathy, Thanks for your note here. This article was very rewarding to write. Learning about the Kouguell family was so interesting as well reading about the history of this lovely piano. Talking with Susan was a real treat!

  7. Yes, what a movie this story would make! I dug out my copy of The Piano Shop and would also like to reread it! Thanks, Pam, for your note!

  8. Natacha,
    Thank you so much for your note and for letting readers know about the FB page and about the petition. I have visited your site and signed the petition. Please keep us posted of the progress. My best wishes for success!

  9. David,
    It looks like there is some momentum toward preserving Pleyel in some form. I will try to stay abreast of this. Thanks for your note (and for your helpful input on the post itself!).

  10. The post did inspire a lot of conversation and quite a few emails about the pianos that readers and friends have owned. So much for gratifying than playing video games, as one person wrote to me! Thanks for your thoughtful note.

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